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1971 Harley-Davidson Sportster

Sale price: $US 5,000.00 Make an offer
Last update: 29.07.2017


Technical specifications, photos and description:

Engine Size (cc):900
Warranty:Vehicle does NOT have an existing warranty
Vehicle Title:Clear
Exterior Color:Blue
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Sell Harley-davidson Sportster Motorcycle in Adamstown, Pennsylvania, United States
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1971 Harley-Davidson Sportster for sale
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1971 Harley-Davidson Sportster for Sale
1971 Harley-Davidson Sportster for Sale1971 Harley-Davidson Sportster for Sale

Right out ofthe pages of early XX??�s issues of Street Chopper and Custom Chopper magazines. This???Righteous Scoot??? is an original West Coast build survivor. Done in the XX??�s  ??? Frisco??? chopper style with manymodifications (hard tailed, lowered, stretched) and custom after-market accessoriesand chrome hardware (pike and acorn nuts,spike nuts, etc.). From Calif. itfound its way to the Northern Mid-West in the XX??�s, were it was still beingused for club events and bike shows. When we acquired it in the XX??�s, it hadbeen sitting, neglected for quite long time, but still in running condition, needinga good cleanup, some mechanical and safety up-dates and some new or re-platedchrome dress up items. Most of the original XX??�s custom accessories on the bikewhere left ???as-found??? giving the bike its great XX??�s look. Condition of chromevaries from fair to very good (see all photo??�s to determine for yourself).  * the  FriscoStyle (San Francisco, Calif.) At time when custom bikes were getting longerwith XX??�-XX??? over front ends and higher, with X??�-X??� sissy bars seats andexhaust pipes  ,the chopper was becomingmore difficult to ride, dangerous and getting lot of unwanted  attention by law enforcement throughout the country in the form of traffic tickets( under the general heading of ???unsafe vehicle ???) every time it hit thestreets. The ??? Frisco ???  look wascredited to custom bike builder Arlen Ness ??� Simplicity trick frame, highmounted sportster or peanut tank, low bars, moderate length narrow springeror girder front end, solo seat and short sissy bar, or no bar at all??�resulting in low ,clean  streamlinelook. We haveprovided an honest and detailed description of the bike with XX general photos.Also available (on request) is another set of (XX) close up photo??�s, we suggest???serious??? bidders send for them be for bidding, we will need your full E-Mail address.Between the description and all the photos, there should be no question as towhat you are bidding on. We suggest you also read our ???CONDITION OF SALE" first??�before considering bidding! Beingoffered as XX year old custom Harley Davidson Sportster, with only the motorbeing an original stock Harley item. The bike starts easily, runs, shifts intoall gears, and stops. It does not smoke, make unusual engine or trany noises,or leaves puddles of oil where ever it goes. It has been mechanically andcosmetically maintained and is still very presentable (but not show bike bytoday??�s standards). It comes with clear Pa. title. Due to its age, it is beingoffered as ???Collector??�s Item???, with no warranty of any kind. NOT recommendedfor your first bike, the novice rider or someone spoiled by the performance,handling and comforts of today??�s rides.DESCRIPTION:From what we were told it was original painted in the traditional XX??�s chopperstyle of candies and pearls with ribbons, cobwebs, and lacing. This did nothold up very well, and was removed by previous owner, and painted reddishmaroon, it later was re-painted again in metallic blue, that still looksgood, but has some scratches, scraps, stress cracks, stains, and dullness, alltypical of an old paint job. The frame had hard tail added, (weld on) the neckis nicely raked (about ????? +) and molded.  The rear flat fender is bobbed, slid forwardin the front, (even with the bottom of the frame) and welded /molded in. The bikesits level, and very, very low (only XX ????? to top of solo seat). The front endis ???Wayne Industries??? Girder and is about XX??? over, wheelbase is stretched toXX ????? (approx...  XX??? over stock) Height of hand controlsis also low at XX ????� with an overall bike length of XXX ?? ???(including exhausts)All ??? NEW ???mechanical parts listed have less than XXX miles on them. We donot know the actual millage on the engine (XXX cc. XLH or of  any internal  modifications, but was told that previousowner had  re-done the top end. The bikehas new clutch kit (plate & bushings), we noticed that some of theprimary cover threads in the case were repaired, good quality gasket was usedto keep everything sealed (this is ???Wet Clutch??? system) Rocker boxes and boltsare chromed (fair) with new large  Knucklehead(look- a- like) rocker plugs.Old  chromepush rod covers & braided oil lines. The engine is electric start only, (thestarter clutch, clutch gear, spacer and spring have been removed) but still hasthe kick start crank gear, shaft and return spring. The engine is lubed by acustom ???Hex??? oil tank that has been re plated, chrome remote oil filter kitis mounted under the seat, with new chrome filter, fresh oil with all  new oil feed, return and vent lines. Added isa oil feed valve, when closed, keeps the bike from wet sumping the crank caseduring long periods of storage. The bike has new chrome oil gauge andmounting kit and line, also new chrome vent pipe. The unusual ???up sweep???exhaust system is an old chopper trick of using stock Harley exhaust pipes (turnedupside down). There are no baffles, with  XX new chrome exhaust clamps holding it all together, new dual XX??? fishtail pipes gives  it  avery unique sound going down the road and something for your passenger to holdon to!   The original old Harley neck ball bearingshave been replaced with new ???Timkin??? Bearings and chrome cups. The ???Wayne???girder has all new brass bushings, bolts and chrome hardware, with largechrome stem pike nut. Chrome on the front end is still very presentable for age,a little light on the top and bottom tree??�s and spring. The full size batterywas relocated to the bottom of the frame, behind the rear fender, the batterybox is chromed with side and top chrome covers.  The top and front lower engine mounts are new,chrome platted, with special chrome hardware for the highway bars.  The XX??�s front chromed custom foot pegs aremachined with spike ends, these matches the custom shift lever foot peg. The???Chi-Town??? front highway bars have custom spike end foot pegs also. The custom??? Diamond???risers are X??? tall with ???Drag Specialties??? drilled  X??? narrow ,curved ??? Z???  bars,  with  ball end brake and clutch controls, and  jack hammer grips. Mounted on controls are anew light/horn switch and an ignition emergency ???kill Switch???. Rear view mirroris XX??�s ???M&M Limited ???sculptured Iron Cross. (Not the cheap XX??�s black paintedimport)  Lights are dual ???Aris??? withchrome bracket (each light has small hole drilled in the top)? Chrome is fairto good.  The bikerolls on late XX??�s ???Invader??? spoke wheels. Front wheel is XX???, the original ???Avon???Speedmaster tire is gone, replaced XX years ago by Dunlop Gold Seal X.XXxXX. Thewheel has rare X??? mechanical drum brake in working order (mandatory in somestates) new chrome axle with large spike nuts, chrome on everything is stillvery presentable.  The front streamlinefender is fiberglass. The matching rear ???Invader??? spoke wheel is XX???, chromeis fair to good, with small area of chrome loss. (see photo??�s)  Rear tire is XX yr. old Goodyear MT-XXxXX ??? withdual stripe whitewalls. Rear wheel is fitted with chrome drum, backing plate,new chrome brake lever, anchor bolt, rear axle, nut, collar, chain adjusters, anew chrome brake pedal and brake light switch. Chrome chain guard is new (extra-longfor hard tail frames.) The XX??�s ???Gothic Cross??? sissy bar is ???Jammer Cycle???item, with  fair chrome. The rear brake lightis XX??�s custom Pawn or Carriage style manuf. by ??? Lite House Enterprises.???  ,and sold by Finch Cycles. It has  very good chrome and red plastic lens. ChromeLicense plate bracket with frame, and pike hardware. License plate is ???restored???  XXXX California item.  Solo seat and passenger pad, look like early???Mustang??? items, and are in very good condition (no rips, tears, loosestitching or missing buttons) Theelectrical and starting systems have all new wiring throughout, the generatorhas XX??�s custom finned aluminum cover and chrome end cap, the coil is new,with chrome cover, new ignition wires, plugs and ignition points etc. with acustom points cover. The ignition switch is also new, the chrome remote starterbutton and voltage regulator are XX??�s originals. Starter motor, ratchet gearand solenoid are all new, both with chrome covers. The chrome horn is also new.Carburationis an early XX??�s  ???Bendix??? carb, rebuilt,with new intake manifold seals, clamps and choke, the tank has recently beenremoved, cleaned, and new chrome pet cock and visible fuel filter installed. Theair cleaner is XX??�s ???H & Customs??? Iron Cross that has been chromeplated. The bike hasno gauges (speedometer or tachometer) the tach drive assembly has been removedand covered with chrome cap nut. There are no passenger foot pegs. There isno ID tag, or #??�s stamped on the frame do to molding. The tires are old,hardened but will still hold air for long periods of time, good for displayonly) The battery is now years old, and must be put on battery tender whennot in use. The bike has been in storage and not gassed up since the tank was cleanedand the carb rebuilt. We have anopen Pa. title in our name. Titled as a: XXXX Harley Davidson Sportster. (Noleans, NOT salvaged or reconstructed) Check your states regulations regardingregistering and inspecting ???modified??? motorcycles before bidding!  The engine case number stampings wereinspected and verified by Pa. certified inspection station as matching the bikesID numbers on the title. You are responsible for your states sales taxe. Youwill also get standard Pa.??? Bill of Sale??? stating ID number, condition, andamount payed. This will be notarized with the title transfer at a  Pa. state certified .tag shop.   We do notdisclose the Reserve Amount.Trades ?...we like old  OHV powered Harley choppertrikes ,and old hot rods CONDITIONSOF SALE:All biddersmust be over XX years old, with at least XX positive feedbacks. Seriousforeign bids OK, (this includes Canada) but must check with us first beforeplacing bid  or we will cancel yourbid. No dealers, brokers,transporters, scammers Bike isadvertised locally, and we reserve the right to end the auction at any time forany reason, and cancel any bids that we feel do not meet with our conditions. Do to age, being sold ??? as-is ???, where is,with no warranty expressed or implied.Winningbidder is required to make deposit of $XXX.XX thru PAY-PAL ONLY within XXhrsof end of auction. Balance of payment to be made within calendar days ofauction close. US funds (cashier??�s check only). Pick up and transfer of titlewill only be done after the bike is paid for in full and funds clear our bank.(this can take up to days )All shippingcharges and shipping arrangements are the responsibility of the buyer. To bepicked up personally or thru bonded, professional transporter,( you get whatyou pay for  we will work with you on this,but expect the bike to be picked up within reasonable time.   
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